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Saturday 6 July 2013

You want your kid to become confident and strong?

You want your kid to become confident and strong?
if the answer is yes then keep on reading...

strength and confidence these qualities are achieved through independence
the more you help your child to become independent in his daily life the more confident and strong personality he will form.
being dependent or independent is a personality trait....for example in most Asian countries men are dependant on others (mostly women) for their very basic needs like food, laundry, ironing clothes etc (the list is very long ) and women are dependent on men financially and socially (not allowed or not confident enough to travel alone) why??? Because they are being trained that way...
Training is very important!

Now the question is what shall we do to make a child become independent as early as possible???
A child who is barely out of his diapers and independence seems like two opposite words far away from each other but in fact they are not.
According to Dr. Maria Montessori's discovery of the child a child is born with a restless urge to become independent this independence drives kids crazy and results in sensitive periods of development!
Coming back to the topic how to make kids independent? and making sure that they don't create a mess if they are allowed to move around freely... we can do that by eliminating few common mistakes that we make  right from beginning...

when a family is blessed with a baby no doubt the whole family and especially new parents are overwhelmed with joy and happiness... we see a child as a small vulnerable being and become very very protective about the baby, there is nothing wrong about being protective about your baby problem occurs when we continue the same behavior even when the baby is grown up and learning new things/tasks etc  here let me tell you one thing a child's life isn't that easy as it looks  he literally battles to learn to crawl, talk, walk his brain is so full of things ideas and natural urges that drive him crazy and restless please respect his efforts and help him achieve what he his craving for, don't spoil his efforts by imposing your will on him. i know its not easy at all im a mother myself, i know its not as easy as it sounds but you must have heard no pains no gains.
     we see a child having difficulty in reaching a toy or he is making crying faces or noise while trying to reach his toy any elder would immediately get up and hand the toy to the child (we just don't let the child make an effort !) I'm not saying that you let your child cry for hours and hours just asking you to let him try! 
 We parents normally are concerned about teaching moral values to their child and forget that there are other important aspects as well we forget to teach children how to react when get hurt! geting hurt or sick or taking injection/ medicine is very common in a child's life, whenever a child hurts himself don't panic or faint in front of them instead compose your self and tell them its going to be okay these little words of encouragement means allot to them

love and care doesn't always mean that we have all the right to spoil the child... love is preparing the child for life's challenges making him/her strong enough to survive ups and downs of life. be very clear about one thing your child will taste every flavor of life sweet ones and bitter ones too no matter how hard we try we can not change this good and bad experiences are part of every humans life but one thing that we can do to make their life easy is to prepare them for life's  challenges by making them strong. How we do that?? we can train them right from the beginning... like if a child trying to reach something or want to catch an object let him/her make an effort and grab the desired object you'll observe a shine in the eyes indicating self confidence (offer help only when needed don't offer unwanted or unnecessary help!)
When a child achieves something it adds up to his self esteem the sense of accomplishment gives confidence and we all need our kids to be confident.

(Feel free to comment about the post did you find it helpful or not? Or if you have any questions all comments are welcome your feedback means a lot)