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Tuesday 28 May 2013

when i was expecting my first child i was so full of feelings coping with health issues, excited, scared, emotional and impatient constantly thinking how my child will look like? sometimes i picture him in my mind..... in short my mind and heart was crowded with too many feelings... i wanted to know what was going on in my body and i wanted to know about my child too but
i did not had internet access at that time so my sources of knowledge were t.v and my gynecologist (who was not very friendly :( ). well t.v gave me lot of information along with realization that a mother must be well equipped with knowledge about child,s health and education.
i literally started thinking that i must read books regarding child psychology ....
luckily during that time my very close relative gave me her books (she was doing Montessori course and those were her course books) she recommended me to take a look at them by saying this is very different.
well i started reading those books after finishing one book i curiously reached for the second one and so on.
yes i found it very different and it has changed my entire perception about infants.
after my son was born i even implemented many exercises and concepts on him and witnessed instant results...
i will share Montessori concepts with u step by step along with different educationists and psychiatrists too. and before that i will introduce you to Montessori to let know her works authenticity by sharing few things from her life and works and how she has formed this educational system for kids.

Thursday 23 May 2013

part 2 of previous post

Feeling Of Love

A child loves his mother and trust her blindly that she will never let anything harm him.
do you know how it feels when u fell in love for the very first time???
( you guys must be thinking i am  talking about irrelevant stuff but believe me its not irrelevant)
anyways getting back to my question..... feeling of love everyone has different experience but some feelings related to love are universal
like when u fell in love u feel like flying in the air, every thing seems perfect and beautiful when you are with your loved one. and u get depressed, sad when you don't get to meet, see or talk to your love.... the list is never ending.
Now let me tell you why i was talking about feeling of love...
do you guys know an infant goes through same feelings of love??
surprising but 100% true (in my previous post conclusions revealed child's special behavior for mother its because of love that he feels for the mom)
it is proven that a child fell in love with his/her mother that is why he cries when she gets away (most moms complain that baby don't let them do any work, starts crying when guests arrive or give tough time whenever taken outside the home)
a child's life revolves around the mother. in other words his mother is  the universe to him (literally).
He sees guests, strangers as intruders and feels insecure in their presence. its the immense love that leads him creating problems for mother.
i know after knowing this fact you'll love your babies even my upcoming posts i will talk more about child's psychological, physical, and emotional needs which will further lead to right way of training the child.

Sunday 19 May 2013

we get mad when our child don't meet our expectations its fair enough for the child to react in same way when we don't meet his.

  we need to know what a child expects from us...
i'll share an amazing fact with all you lovely ladies today.
once i was reading a book found it really amazing and noted few things in my diary (unfortunately i didn't noted its author and publication details).
a group of psychologists studied two separate groups of new born
they observed these new born babies day and night....
group one
was attended by their mothers. dressed, cleaned and breast fed by mom's (mostly and if not breast fed, mom's would hold their babies in lap while feeding with milk bottles).
the second group was attended by nurses fed with bottles while lying in their beds, cots.
after observation and study conclusions were amazingly unbelievable....

general observations

1st groups (infants were attended by their mothers) they were unfriendly and uncomfortable in presence of strangers or new faces. and were seen smiling in a special way for their mothers only , and they also smiled for those faces that they see with mother (father, grand parents etc.) behavior of infants in presence of mother was overall special. Further more a research shown that people who are attended by moms like group one have low divorce rate, loyal in relationships, good human beings and softhearted.

2nd group
(attended by nurses) they smiled for every one and were friendly to all. Further more a research shown that people who are attended by nurses like group two have High divorce rate, Mostly failure or difficulty in relations.


A child recognizes his mother even before birth. Baby records mothers behavior while resting in womb (that is why mothers are told to stay happy during that time). And when he is born mothers touch, hugging and feeding gives him a concept of love, trust, friendship and care….
(to be continued)....

Saturday 18 May 2013

how to train  your child???

When I was a child I remember mothers at that time were concerned about child’s health an education but not frantically depressed, suppressed by pressures like today’s mothers. Today we face too many challenges regarding upbringing, training, educating the child and it sometimes leads mother and child both to disaster!
gone are the days when beating up was a culture to control your kids… today’s kids are more open to reasoning and logical discussions and they simply refuse to stand beatings and misbehaviors. Parents especially mothers have to be well equipped with the knowledge that is helpful in training a child. I have seen mothers panic and depressed when child’s not eating, (I used to do the same btw),
depressed when child’s not getting good grades,
depressed when he is misbehaving, let me tell you one thing depression is not going to take you any where….(not asking you to ignore misbehavior, poor grades or health issues just calm down relax, take a deep breath and change your attitude to cope with these issues)
depressed mother= unhappy child
I know you guys must be thinking how can we keep calm when child is creating fuss all over misbehaving in presence of guests (embarrassing I knowJ).
Now tell me one thing do you read instructional manual when u buy something like camera, mobile anything that comes with manual????
Now ask yourself why do you read it???

Obviously to use the product better…. Similarly humans, kids deserved to be studied, observed before we start expecting from them to behave according to our will, expectations.
You need to know physical, emotional, mental states and needs of a child from the very beginning (I learned all these by studying various educationists and psychologists)