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Sunday 19 May 2013

we get mad when our child don't meet our expectations its fair enough for the child to react in same way when we don't meet his.

  we need to know what a child expects from us...
i'll share an amazing fact with all you lovely ladies today.
once i was reading a book found it really amazing and noted few things in my diary (unfortunately i didn't noted its author and publication details).
a group of psychologists studied two separate groups of new born
they observed these new born babies day and night....
group one
was attended by their mothers. dressed, cleaned and breast fed by mom's (mostly and if not breast fed, mom's would hold their babies in lap while feeding with milk bottles).
the second group was attended by nurses fed with bottles while lying in their beds, cots.
after observation and study conclusions were amazingly unbelievable....

general observations

1st groups (infants were attended by their mothers) they were unfriendly and uncomfortable in presence of strangers or new faces. and were seen smiling in a special way for their mothers only , and they also smiled for those faces that they see with mother (father, grand parents etc.) behavior of infants in presence of mother was overall special. Further more a research shown that people who are attended by moms like group one have low divorce rate, loyal in relationships, good human beings and softhearted.

2nd group
(attended by nurses) they smiled for every one and were friendly to all. Further more a research shown that people who are attended by nurses like group two have High divorce rate, Mostly failure or difficulty in relations.


A child recognizes his mother even before birth. Baby records mothers behavior while resting in womb (that is why mothers are told to stay happy during that time). And when he is born mothers touch, hugging and feeding gives him a concept of love, trust, friendship and care….
(to be continued)....

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